Thursday, February 07, 2008

la lunotte

A loire wine, Christopher Foucher. light red color, natural taste, smells berries. I like the wine like this. I don't know what the varieties are in this wine. gamay? I've googled, but almost of people were talking about the white of his wine. hmm, I wanna try a white wine too. The cheese was made in Loire too, Selles sure cher, It's aged and smells nice and the texture was moist.


Eric Samson said...

His white wines are just excellent (mix of sauvignon and pinot meunier) but his red wines are great too.

This one is probably a Gamay, but he also has other grapes for red (like Cot and other ones).

Eric Samson said...

BTW: you might want to visit my blog. It's in French, it is not only about wine, but you'll find some of wines you like.

Eric Samson said...

here it is:

hikalu said...

hi erix, thank you for the comment and infomation. It would nicer if I could read french, but my french is almost nothing. All I can do is just greeting. Yeah, many ppl say his white is excellent. I should try one!

Eric Samson said...


I talk to Christophe Foucher (the winemaker) and he confirmed this bottle is made of Gamay.

He breeds 3 red grapes :
* gamay (Ormeaux, Ptites vignes),
* cabernet (La Flou)
* and cot or malbec (Pochetières).
* sometimes he mixes cot and cabernet (Tandem).

He has 2 white grapes :
* du sauvigon (Rossignoux, P'tites vignes)
* menu pineau (Ht Plessis),
* sometimes he mixes them (Trio).

Best Regards, Erix.

hikalu said...

It's great that you asked him about the red wine. I really appreciate that! I guess the other red wines would be thicker than gamay, wouldn't it? and It must be nice too.
I wanna try "trio". I will ask my favorite wine shop sell those wines.

Eric Samson said...

I have tested Pochetières, it is a little bit thicker indeed, but still subtle and well balanced. All his wines are very good.

Eric Samson said...

This year (2007) he will also sell a new wine (don't know the name yet) made of Gamay.
This one will be lighter because 2007 was a poor year in France in terms of sun, it is between pink and red, but it is extremely nice and easy to drink.

hikalu said...

easy to drink, huh? That's one of what I like! I've bought a white wine today. I will taste later.