Saturday, November 15, 2008

baked apple

I've got tasteless apple today. I just wanted to eat small apple, that wasn't good. so that I put them in the oven. It's quite better than eating raw.

and there is wines and sake that I've sipped recently. Vercheny(the left pic) was made in Loire, Thierry PUZELAT. It was easy to drink, so that I drained this bottle one night. I hardly drink that much, because I'm a light dinker. It was that nice. La pente de chavigny(the middle of the pic) was also made in Loire, Mikael Bouges. This white wine was nice too. I've drain this bottle for three days. At the first night, fruity, mineral, and I've felt the character of Sauvignon blanc, and second night, I've felt like honey and citrus. the third day was also nice. It's very nice wine. The sake(the right pic) was hiyaoroshi which means brew it in Spring and bottled in Autumn for maturing.

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